Mayan Abdominal Massage

What is a Mayan Abdominal Massage?

Mayan Abdominal Massage is an ancient healing modality that has been passed down by the Mayan midwives and curanderos of Central America. It's a holistic deep yet gentle external treatment which works on physical, emotional and energetic imbalances and aims to restore health, harmony and balance in the body. It has outstanding benefits for overall health but especially potential for: painful or irregular moon cycles, amenorrhea, hormonal imbalances, digestive problems, tipped or prolapsed uterus, endometriosis, stress, anxiety, blocked emotions and held trauma.

Is it only for women?

Absolutely not. Every body can benefit from this beautiful treatment.

a person laying on a bed with their hands on their back
a person laying on a bed with their hands on their back

What to expect in a session?

Each session is tailored to each individual and starts with a consultation and a little look at your Mayan sign (I am not a professional Mayan reader but can give you a tiny insight into this beautiful cosmology).

The abdomen is such a sacred space on every level and we hold and store so much there. It takes some time to build trust between your body and mine and also for you to fully relax. Because of that we start with your back, shoulders and hips and from there move to your face, arms and chest and only at the end will be going into the depths of your abdomen.

Even though this massage is gentle in its approach and I let your body guide me into how deep we can go, there can be some discomfort and painful areas.

We will be working with conscious breathing a lot to help your body soften and for you to tune even more into your own sensations and emotions.

The duration of the session depends on each individual and their process as I do not want to rush anything also after the massage. There will be enough safe space to process what might come up. Generally it's between 2.5-3 hours.

What are the benefits of a Mayan Abdominal Massage?

Generally it has wonderful benefits for overall health and well being while also can address specific unbalances.
Most common sympthoms that are improved / relieved are:

For everyone:
- digestive disorders
- constipation
- post surgical
- muscular tension
- fertility enhancement
- bladder or yeast infections
- emotional/energetic distress

For women:
- painful or irregular moon cycle
- pain from pelvic Organ Congestion (endometriosis, cysts, fibroids)
- hormonal imbalances
- difficult menopause
- pre-conception (or the wish to conceive)
- pelvic / organ prolapse
- other moon cycle issues

For men:
- pain from prostatitis
- impotence / erectile dysfunction

Please note that the Mayan Abdominal Massage is offered as a supportive holistic modality to enhance health and wellness and is not meant to serve as an entire approach to healthcare. If you have any serious medical conditions, please consult your health-care provider

Pre- Treatment

- best is to have an empty stomach or 3 -4 hours after a light meal
- Bring a scarf/sarong which will be used to wrap your abdomen after treatment. Length should allow for the scarf to go around your abdomen twice.
- inform me of any health issues you might be having or if there is any condition I should know of

Post- Treatment

- make sure to drink a lot of water to support your body in its healing and detoxification
- if possible plan in rest and relaxation for the rest of the day to get the most out of this beautiful session
- if there is anything surfacing for you after - do not hesitate to reach out


for the following, a massage is either not possible or needs further clarification:

- If you have an IUD (inter uterine device) or coil present
- during moon time / menstruation
- pregnancy
- any serious health condition that causes you concern
- an infection or cancer present or while undergoing chemotherapy
- recent wounds or surgery (wait at least 6-8 weeks and get your doctor's consent)

You're curious?

Please reach out with any questions, bookings or things you would like to know more about.