The Mystery of all of you

"We are lived by powers we pretend to understand."
- W.H. Auden

We are absolutely beautiful and sometimes confusing mysteries.
Most of us have been taught in a way or the other that we can't really admit that we have no clue who or what we are.

We need to know.

But what if we can continuously build and increase the strength and connection to our inner ember to hold the ever expanding mystery that we are?

Do you feel there is more to you than you know by now?

Have you been observing certain pains and patterns (physical, mental, emotional, energetical) that you would like to change and/or grow strength to hold without getting swept by them?

Would you like to increase the curiosity within your whole being?

Are you ready to take more responsibility for how you are walking this earth with firmness yet compassion?

My biggest dream is for everyone to have a sense of belonging, through a deep connection to themselves. An inner strength and yet softness that allows them to stay present and open to all that is showing up.

Through that inner sense of belonging there's no need to fear, judge, diminish others or themselves. A strength and curiosity to hold all expressions of life. Reconnecting to the Ember that holds your Phoenix.

You're curious?

Please reach out with any questions, bookings or things you would like to know more about.